1. Understanding Internet
Internet can be defined as computer networks and the big wide world, which connects the computer user from one country to another around the world, which included a variety of information resources from a static to a dynamic and interactive.
2. Internet History
Here's the history of the emergence and development of the Internet.
History of the Internet began in 1969 when the U.S. Defense Department, U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided to conduct research on how to connect a computer to form an organic network. This research program known as the ARPANET. In 1970, already more than 10 computers that had connected to each other so that they can communicate with each other and form a network.
In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail program that he created a year ago for the ARPANET. E-mail program is so easy that immediately became popular. In the same year, icon @ also introduced as an important symbol that shows the "at" or "on". In 1973, ARPANET computer network began to be developed outside the United States. Computer University College in London is the first computer that is outside the United States who are members of ARPAnet network. In the same year, two computer experts that Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a bigger idea, which became forerunners of the Internet thinking. This idea was presented for the first time at the University of Sussex.
The next day was the historic date of March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern. A year later, already more than 100 computers on ARPANET merged to form a network or network. In 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin, creating the first newsgroups USENET named. Year 1981 France Telecom creates a buzz by launching the first television telephone, where people can call each other while associated with the video link.
Because the computers that form the network of more days, then takes a formal protocol that is recognized by all networks. In 1982 formed or Transmission Control Protocol TCP and Internet Protocol or IP as we know it all. Meanwhile in Europe emerged that rival computer network known as Eunet, which provides computer network services in countries Dutch, English, Danish and Swedish. Eunet network provides e-mail and USENET newsgroups.
For uniformity in the network address of an existing computer, then in 1984 introduced the system of domain names, which we now know the DNS or Domain Name System. Computers that are connected with the existing network has more than 1000 computers. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network increased 10-fold to 10,000 more.
In 1988, Jarko find Oikarinen of Finland and at the same time introduce IRC or Internet Relay Chat. A year later, the number of interconnected computers back 10-fold jump in a year. No less than 100,000 computers are now forming a network. Year 1990 is the most historic year, when Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and browser that can surf from one computer to another computer, which form the network. This program is called www, or the Worl Wide Web.
In 1992, computers that are connected to each other form a network already exceeds a million computers, and in the same year the term surfing the internet. In 1994, the Internet site has grown into the page address 3000, and for the first time virtual-shopping or e-retail appeared on the internet. The world changed. In the same year Yahoo! established, which is also the birth and Netscape Navigator 1.0.
3. Internet Benefits
In general there are many benefits to be gained if a person has access to the Internet. Here's some of what is available on the internet: 1. Information for private life: health, recreation, hobbies, personal development, spiritual, social. 2. Information for professional life / work: science, technology, trade, stocks, commodities, business news, professional associations, business associations, various communication forums.
One of the most interesting is the membership of the Internet knows no borders, race, economic class, ideology or other factors that normally inhibits the exchange of ideas. The Internet is a world community that is very democratic and have a code of ethics which all members are respected. Benefits obtained through the Internet, especially cooperation between individuals or groups without knowing the distance and time limits.
To further improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia, it's time for Indonesian professionals use the Internet network and become part of the community
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