t IC PTC we bring an opportunity for you to earn extra cash online. No special skill or talent required. All you need to do is register, manage your account and start earning by accomplishing various small, easy jobs. You can earn from browsing sponsor's Ads, completing different offers and earn more from referring members.
Advertise at IC PTC and receive quality traffic for your sites. Our program allows you to get more visitors, readers, leads and potential customers for your own services and products. Aside from cheap!
As your password must be kept secret from others, we store it in an irreversible format. In the unlikely event of someone hacking into your account, we will not be held responsible. When you request your password, we will send you a new one to your email.
You can only have one account. Any attempt to create more than one account will lead to the termination of all of them. This also applies to your Paypal/Alertpay account which has to be unique and not shared with another user.
You can only view ads using one IP address within a 24 hours period. On the other hand, you can use multiple IP addresses to login. Any attempt to do otherwise may lead to the termination of your account. Logging in from proxies or shared network environments (such as, but not limited to schools, LAN houses, cybercafes, etc.) is not allowed.
Your email addresses will not be shown, given or sold.
Accounts are not transferable.
icptc.info will not modify user account information based on user request.
Users using false information when registering or changing their personal settings will have their account suspended.
Only one account per computer is allowed to view advertisements. If more than one account in a single computer views advertisements, all of those accounts will be suspended.
You must not automatically redirect any page to icptc.info or include the icptc.info site inside any other site visible or not.
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Free Member $0.10
No minimum payout for premium members and $0.20 for free members
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